LS Energy Solutions




Suitable for installations both behind the meter and in front of the meter.

Energy storage provides an ever-growing number of beneficial services and cost savings to energy producers and consumers across the energy supply chain. There are many benefits to choosing energy storage, depending on the application and the type of technology selected to meet that application’s requirement.

LS Energy Solutions’ products support a majority of the use cases for energy storage, providing a wide range of advanced operating modes in both grid forming as well as grid following applications. With our modular AiON approach, we offer solutions that range from 150-kVA up to multi-MW suitable for installations both behind the meter and in front of the meter.


Front of the meter – Grid Scale

There is a large and growing number of front of the meter energy storage applications, both on the generation side as well as on the network side. The following are just a few examples of applications where energy storage has proven to be an economical way to improve the power grid and where LS Energy Solutions’ products are suitable.

Transmission and Distribution 
Energy storage can be an ideal alternative solution to traditional Transmission & Distribution upgrades. It effectively handles peak demand and frees capacity to defer or eliminate upgrades for more efficient use of both capital and existing infrastructure without building new substations, poles, and wires. 

Energy Storage can also provide voltage and power factor stability. LS Energy Solution’s products can be easily sized to match specific power and energy requirements, making them ideal for most Transmission and Distribution applications.

Ancillary services
Energy storage can provide a faster and more accurate response to frequency deviation for better frequency response and regulation and can ramp up and down faster and easier than traditional generators. 

Energy storage is also suitable for other ancillary services such as spinning reserves, reactive power support and black start. LS Energy Solutions’ products have a long and successful track record for performing several types of ancillary services across multiple installations.  

Renewable integration
There are many advantages to pairing energy storage with renewable power sources such as wind and solar. Renewables are intermittent and can introduce instability to the grid limit their viability as a dependable, dispatchable power source. Additionally, peak production does not always coincide with peak consumption. 

Energy storage allows utilities and consumers to smooth production and time shift renewable energy. LS Energy Solutions’ products come with multiple advanced features and can be either AC or DC coupled with the generating source, making them ideal for renewable generation applications.

If you have questions about these or any other Energy Storage applications, or if you want to learn more about how LS Energy Solutions’ products can be an ideal solution for your application, contact our  Energy Storage experts today.


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